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I've looked on web of paysafecard and found, that in Slovakia sell this product and it is possible to pay with it. But I can't found the list of shops, where it is possible.
Původní příspěvek od dejaVuCV Hello,
I've looked on web of paysafecard and found, that in Slovakia sell this product and it is possible to pay with it. But I can't found the list of shops, where it is possible.
Im thinking about this - but I dont know if you can find this cards.
My idea is, that you bay this cards and sent to us the number and codes for activation - we had find a way to transfer this money.
Sorry carloseastseeds . I misunderstood You.
2Dude: Yes, You're right. carlosES want to know, if we can buy this card and if it possible pay with it in EastSeeds.
I Think, at minimum, this is possible in (and between) theese countries:
German English
Spanish Greek
Slovenian Slovak
EDIT: ...and homepage is in 14 languages. Mabey it's possible all over the Europe .
Původní příspěvek od bootii nice day carlos,i want to know that is it OK to pay with ,,PayPay,, ..i want to order seeds next week and dont want to loose money..thnx
sorry for the moment not. But ist interesting to know, how many clients in czech republic are using this service?
Marilize Legajuana
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